jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2009


Pencil poems.


Sol, mi game ( on a rope).
Improvisation, singing jazz.


Playing ecos.
Pass the rhythm.

Dinner train.

The order of the dinner from back to front.

Coffee, coffee

Cheese and cake, cheese nad cake.

Fish and chips, fish and chips.


Soft toys.

Create rhythm with vocabulary toys .

Song: Head, shoulders, knees and toes.

Song: If you´re happy...

Indians body instruments.

Create your stories using your body music:
-Wind:move your feet round on the floor.
-Drops of rain:hit your hand with the pointer finger.
-Rain: clap your hands.
-Thunders: beat your knees.

Pentatonic scale.

Take out "fa" and "si " and discover the chinese music.

Game: Let´s go very slowly

´cause the way is really funny.

Where are you going?

and how are you going?

I´m going by bike, train, car, plane...

Our cats.

Draw my cat.

Three little pigs.

Break time.

Ingredients:700gr. flour, 2 packs of baking powder, 7 eggs, the peel of one lemon, 4 apples and half water glass of olive oil.

Vivaldi: The winter.

We follow the 4 beats of each picture,
understanding the music as a story.

Vivaldi: The spring.

Per pairs or groups we represent the different elements that music suggests us.